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Ethics Line

Speaking Up

When you speak up, you make the whole company better.

For us, our purpose of economic empowerment is more than just a saying on a wall - it drives everything we do. Our Code of Conduct is similar, it provides us with guidance, practical information, and resources that help us create the best workplace and customer relationships. Across Square, Cash App, TIDAL, TBD, Spiral, and our foundational teams, our commitment to ethics outlined in our Code of Conduct enables us to continue doing our best work on behalf of our customers. That is why it is crucial for employees and partners to feel empowered to speak up if there is a question about the Code of Conduct or a concern regarding conduct that you believe to be a violation of law or Company policy (including the Code of Conduct), past or present.


Report a Concern Online

Make a report about issues like financial and auditing concerns, harassment, fraud, conflicts of interest, bribery or improper payments or gifts, violations of the Code of Conduct or other policies, and potential violations of the law.

Ask a Question

If you have an ethics or compliance question or an inquiry regarding the Code of Conduct or other legal or compliance policy, you can ask here. You will have the opportunity to select whether you would like to remain anonymous.

Call Our Ethics Line

If you would prefer to speak to someone to ask a question or report a concern, call us and a representatives would be happy to assist you.



Text The Ethics Line

If you are located in North America, you can also use the number below to text a concern. You will have the opportunity when making your report to remain anonymous.

Code of Conduct

Block, Inc. has developed the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code") which sets out basic guiding principles for all how we operate.


You can check the status of your report or question using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report or question.

What to Expect in the Reporting Process

    Actual or potential violations of Block's Code of Conduct, the law, or fraudulent practices which may include, but are not limited to:

    • Audit irregularities
    • Block Supplier Code of Conduct violations
    • Collusion with competitors or other conduct prohibited under competition laws
    • Conflicts of interest
    • Consumer protection concerns
    • Corruption and bribery
    • Data protection infringements
    • Falsifying, forging or improperly altering books and records
    • Improper gifts or entertainment
    • Insider trading
    • Misappropriating intellectual property
    • Misuse of Block assets
    • Money laundering
    • Policy violations
    • Procurement concerns
    • Theft
    • Retaliation
    • Unethical sales practices
    • Unsafe workplace behavior
    • Your concern is taken seriously.
    • You are treated with dignity and respect.

    • You are not required to identify yourself.

    • Your communication will be kept confidential to the extent reasonably possible, consistent with the need to adequately investigate the information, and our compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

    • Your incident report will be received by Convercent, an independent organization dedicated to building best in class ethics and compliance solutions.  Convercent will then notify Block when a report is received and the appropriate team at Block will review and investigate it.

    • Block handles all incident reports according to its internal investigatory procedures.

    • Your concern is timely reviewed, and addressed as appropriate.

    • You will not be retaliated against for good faith reporting.

    In all instances, every effort will be made to ensure that information relating to a reported incident is kept confidential and communicated on a need-to-know basis only.  If you are not comfortable identifying yourself, you can provide an anonymous report. Below are the different levels of anonymity you may select:

    • Remain completely anonymous: You will not reveal your name or contact information. Your identity is completely protected on the incident report.

    • Remain anonymous toward your organization: You are comfortable revealing your name and contact information to Convercent, but not to your organization. Convercent may contact you to gather additional information about the report yet will not reveal your identity at any time to your organization.

    • Share my name and information: You choose to reveal your name and identity to both your organization and to Convercent.

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